Identity Finder Home Edition v2.6

Identity Finder Home Edition v2.6 Download

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+ Protect your Identity.
+ Secure your data.
+ Find peace of mind.

Key Features and Benefits of Identity Finder 2.6
Identity Finder prevents identity theft by finding and securing sensitive, personal information that could be used by others to commit identity theft or identity fraud. Once private information is identified, Identity Finder helps you to protect your identity through secure deletion or strong encryption. Below are some key features:

-- Finds all occurrences of Social Security Numbers, Credit Card Numbers, Bank Account Numbers, and Passwords using proprietary AnyFind technology.
-- Finds many other identity types using Unique Searching.
-- Quickly searches your files, e-mails, web browser hidden data, and system area.
-- Displays results in easy to use preview window for immediately analyzing your identity data.
-- Prompts you to securely shred and delete your sensitive data or encrypt it.
-- Walks you through all functionality via simple wizard interface.

Full List of Features
The following is a Feature List for all Identity Finder Editions. All features are available within all versions of Identity Finder unless specified in [brackets]

-= Searchable Identity Types =-
• Automatic Searching with AnyFind Technology (Searches for anyone’s identity and requires no user input)
o Social Security Numbers
o Credit Card Numbers
o Bank Account Numbers
o Passwords
• Unique Searching with Automatic Format Conversion (Searches a specific person’s identity and requires user input)
o Social Security Numbers
o Credit Card Numbers
o Bank Account Numbers
o Passwords
o Passports
o Dates of Birth (with over a dozen date automatic conversions)
o Personal Addresses (with over hundreds of abbreviation conversions)
o Telephone Numbers
o Employee IDs
o Mother’s Maiden Names
• Unique Searching with Exact User Input (Searches a specific person’s identity and requires user input)
o Driver’s Licenses
o User Defined Type (allows you to search for anything)

-= Searchable Locations =-
• File Types
o Microsoft Excel 2000, XP, 2003, 2007 (note: 2007 requires Office 2007 to be installed)
o Microsoft PowerPoint 2000, XP, 2003, 2007 (note: 2007 requires Office 2007 to be installed)
o Microsoft Word 2000, XP, 2003, 2007 (note: 2007 requires Office 2007 to be installed)
o Microsoft OneNote 2003, 2007 (note: requires OneNote to be installed)
o Plain Text Files (extensive list available upon request)
-- Unicode
-- Batch Files
-- Source Code Files
-- Cookies
-- Instant Messenger Logs
o Rich Text Format
o Web Pages
o Adobe Acrobat (All versions including 8.x)
o Compressed Zip Files
o Any file for which you have an IFilter installed (Microsoft Visio Drawings, Microsoft Project Plans, Image Files, Video Files, Music Files, etc.)
• E-Mails
o Microsoft Outlook 2000, XP, 2003, 2007
-- E-Mails
-- Attachments
-- Contacts
-- Calendar
-- Tasks
-- Notes
o Microsoft Outlook Express
-- Attachments
o Microsoft Windows Mail
-- Attachments
• System Areas
o Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, 6, 7
-- Saved Passwords
-- Saved Form Data
o Mozilla Firefox 1.x, 2.x
-- Saved Passwords
-- Saved Form Data
o Microsoft Windows Registry
• File System
o FAT32
o Local Drives
o Removable Drives
o Network Drives [Identity Finder Server and Enterprise Editions Only]

-= Actions Available =-
• Secure Microsoft Office Files using Office encryption (multiple options depending on Office version)
• Secure Adobe Acrobat PDF Files using Acrobat encryption (40 bit RC4 and 128 bit RC4 encryption)
• Secure Compressed Files with Zip encryption (Portable, AES 128-bit, and AES 256-bit encryption)
• Secure all other file types with Zip encryption (Portable, AES 128-bit, and AES 256-bit encryption)
• Secure Mozilla Firefox Saved Passwords with Master Password and Secure Form Data through application configuration
• Secure Windows Internet Explorer through application configuration
• Secure Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders using Outlook folder encryption
• Shred files using DOD 5220.22-M deletion standard
• Shred E-Mail Messages and Attachments
• Shred sensitive data from Windows Internet Explorer
o Temporary Internet Files
o Cookies
o History
o Form Data
o Passwords
• Shred sensitive data from Mozilla Firefox
o Browsing History
o Download History
o Saved Form and Saved History
o Cache
o Cookies
o Saved Passwords
• Shred Windows Registry values
• Recycle Files (using Windows Recycle Bin)
• Open Files, E-Mail Messages, and Windows Registry Items in their associated application
• Ignore locations regardless of identity matches found from current and future searches (exceptions list – can be saved in encrypted format and loaded for future searches)
• Ignore identity matches regardless of location from current and future searches (exceptions list – can be saved in encrypted format and loaded for future searches)

-= Advanced Search Options =-
• Search in the background and give other programs priority over Identity Finder
• Search only files modified since a specified user date
• Search only files modified since the last time they were searched by Identity Finder
• Search only common file types or all types (well known file types vs. all filterable files)
• Specify which E-Mail applications to include
• Choose which E-Mail profiles, stores, and folders to include
• Specify whether to Exchange Mail Server Folders

-= Saving and Reporting =-
• Save as native Identity Finder file (can be loaded at any time to view/act upon results)
• HTML Summary Report
• Full Export into Comma Separated Value format
• Can read reports in Identity Finder, Microsoft Excel, Web Browsers, or Text Editors
• Auto-recover information saved periodically
• Print results

-= Scheduling and Unattended Searching =-
• Ability to schedule a search at any time
o One time only
o Daily at specified time
o Weekly on specified day of week and time
o Monthly on day of month or recurring day of week
o At system startup or logon
o When system is idle
• Ability to schedule a search with any options while unattended
o Which AnyFind settings to use
o Where to search
o What folders to search
o Whether to save results securely (to multiple locations)
o Where to save results and the password for saving results
o Whether to automatically exit upon completion
• Results saved automatically
• Ability to export settings for scheduling tasks on remote machines [Identity Finder Business, Server, and Enterprise Editions Only]

-= Toolbox of Additional Features =-
• Secure any user specified file
• Open any user specified Secure Zip file (including those with AES 128-bit and AES 256-bit encryption)
• Shred any user specified file
• Shred hidden web browser data (Firefox and Internet Explorer)

-= User Interface =-
• Microsoft Windows Vista and Office 2007 style interface
• Multiple ribbons to make configuring searches easy
• Easy to use Activation Wizard
• Easy to use Startup Wizard
• Easy to use Results Wizard
• System Tray icon and ability to minimize to system tray
• Ability to suppress warning and reminder dialog boxes
• Ability to mask passwords in main view
• Ability to show full text preview with match highlighting for all item types
• Ability to seek through found identity matches (highlighted in yellow) in Preview Pane
• Ability to Filter results
o By any user inputted text
o By Identity Match Type
• Results sort based on Location, Identity Match, or Number of Matches
• Multi-column sorting
• Ability to collapse and expand results when Multiple Results Exist
• Context sensitive right-click menu for taking actions on results
• Pause and Stop search at any time and interact with results when you are ready
• Dual progress bars to depict percent complete
• Comprehensive Status Window
• Extensive tooltips with icons and text
• Association of Identity Finder results files (*.idf) within Windows Explorer for ease of loading

-= Logging =-
• Log to any filename in any local folder location
• Create new logs or append to existing
• Ability to save logs with tab separated, comma separated, or fixed width formatting
• Log search information
o Items searched
o Matching items
o Secure items skipped
o User actions
o Messages
o Errors

-= Help and Tutorial =-
• Comprehensive Help file bundled with program
• All help items depicted with corresponding screenshot
• Hyperlinks to navigate through help file
• Flash demonstration of using all features in the product

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